Earth Explorer 3D Map Augmented Reality
Earth Explorer is a 3D Globe with Terrain Views, Spot Elevation Readings, Augmented Reality (Control View with your device’s sensors GPS/GNSS, Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Compass, other). Users can load local vector data to the map
Supported formats are:
- CSV – Comma Separated Value Text file – with Latitude and Longitude or with known column/field names like state, zipcode,country and other regional mapping fields
- JSON Catalog files – data layers defined in a JSON file.
Users can load online mapping services: - ESRI Dynamic REST Mapping Services (MapServer, FeatureServer,ImageServer)
- OGC Mapping Services (WMS, WFS, WCS, WMTS)
- Raster Tile Servers – XYZ URL
- Vector Tile Server – XYZ URL
If users have Vector Data in other formats, they can upload to our server and have it converted and sent back to app/map as GeoJSON.
App Features:
- Measure Linear and Area
- Search and Geocode
- Raster Tile Basemap Picker – uses BING Maps, Open Street Map, CartoDB Basemaps, Stamen Basemaps, ESRI Basemaps
- Split/Map Swipe to compare layers
- Switch map between 3D Terrain, 2D or 3D Smooth
- Geolocation show your location on the map
- Tilt Map
- Rotate Map
- Table of Contents and Map Legend and ability to re-order data layers by dragging
- Displays Coordinates in Lat Long or UTM
- Drop Markers
- Copy Lat Long
- Ability to download tables from data loaded
- Zoom to Extent of Data
- Charting
- Timeslider on Spatialtemporal datasets
- Export/Print PNG/PDF of Map
- Share Link and Embed code
- View Metadata (data about data)
contact info:
General 775-573-0164
Support 775-573-0253
Privacy Policies
Tech Maven Geospatial, LLC
Future Options:
- OSM Searches Nominatim and OverPass API
- Allow your users to specify Web Processing Service (WPS) parameters from the UI and visualise the result in your workbench.
- CatalogItem representing Open Data support:CKAN, CSW and Socrata
- CatalogItem representing Support for 3D Models gltf
- CatalogItem representing Support OGR2OGR conversion in catalog item
- Geolocation show your location on the map
- CatalogItem representing region-mapped data obtained from SDMX-JSON format.
- CatalogItem representing data obtained from a Sensor Observation Service (SOS) 2.0 server.
- ImageryLayerCatalogItem representing a layer from a mapping server that can be reached via a URL template.
- Add Drawing /Digitizing Tools to Terriajs Not separate map
- ImageryLayerCatalogItem representing 3D Tiles
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